Behavioral Modeling Diagrams

Behavior diagrams capture the varieties of interaction and instantaneous states within a model as it 'executes' over time; tracking how the system will act in a real-world environment, and observing the effects of an operation or event, including its results.

  • Use Case diagrams are used to model user/system interactions. They define behavior, requirements and constraints in the form of scripts or scenarios.
  • Activity diagrams have a wide number of uses, from defining basic program flow, to capturing the decision points and actions within any generalized process.
  • State Machine diagrams are essential to understanding the instant to instant condition, or "run state" of a model when it executes.
  • Communication diagrams show the network, and sequence, of messages or communications between objects at run-time, during a collaboration instance.
  • Sequence diagrams are closely related to communication diagrams and show the sequence of messages passed between objects using a vertical timeline.
  • Timing diagrams fuse sequence and state diagrams to provide a view of an object's state over time, and messages which modify that state.
  • Interaction Overview diagrams fuse activity and sequence diagrams to allow interaction fragments to be easily combined with decision points and flows.

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