Load Runner; Introduction

Load Runner


To test the performance requirements such as transaction response time of a database application or response time in the case of multiple users accessing a web site, Load runner is an excellent tool that reduces the infrastructure and manpower costs.

Mercury interactive Load Runner is used to test the client/ server applications as database management systems and web site. When multiple users access the application requires lot of infrastructure and manpower, if testing are not used. Using load runner, with minimal infrastructure and manpower, performance testing can be carried out.

Load Runner simulates multiple transactions from the same machine and hence it creates a scenario of simultaneous access to the application. So, instead of real users, virtual users are stimulated. With virtual users simultaneously accessing the application, load runner accurately measures and analyzes the performance of client/ server application.

In Load Runner, we divide the performance testing requirements into various scenarios. A scenario is a series of actions that are to be tested. Load runner creates virtual users. The Vusers submit the request to the server. Vuser script is generated and this script is executed for stimulating multiple users.

For demonstrating the features of load runner, we will use an application “weather India” which gives information about the weather of various cities in India. It is a web based application with hyperlinks such as weather basics, weather phenomenon, and weather forecasting.

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