Adding GUI checkpoints to a test script


Adding GUI checkpoints to a test script

An example of adding GUI checkpoints to test script:

  1. Start win runner and open a new test.
    Choose PROGRAMS>WIN RUNNER on start menu. Click NEW TEST button.
  2. Start the flight reservation application and log in.
    Choose PROGRAMS>WIN RUNNER>SAMPLE APPLICATION>FLIGHT 1A on the start menu. Then write your name and password in login window and click ok button.
  3. Start recording in context sensitive mode.
    Choose CREATE>RECORDING or click record button.
  4. Open the order dialog box.
    Choose FILE>OPEN ORDER in the flight reservation application.
  5. Create a GUI checkpoint for the order number check box.
    Choose CREATE>GUI CHECKPOINT>FOR OBJECT/ WINDOW. Then double click the object/ window where you want a checkpoint.
  6. Enter the order no.
  7. Click ok button
  8. Stop recording.
    Choose CREATE>STOP RECORDING or click the STOP button.

The GUI checkpoint can be for single property or object/ window or for multiple objects.
To view the animated presentation of GUI Checkpoints, click here!

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