Quick Test Professional


A checkpoint verifies that expected information is displayed in your application while running the test.

  • Understanding checkpoints types
  • Checking objects
  • Checking pages
  • Checking text
  • Checking tables
  • Running and understanding a test with checkpoints

Understanding checkpoints types:

Quick test professional offers the various types of checkpoints given in the table below. You can add most checkpoints to your test either while recording or afterward. When quick test professional creates a checkpoint, it assigns a name based on information inside the checkpoint- the checked value. For example, the checkpoint name remains unchanged, even if you subsequently modify the information on which it was based.

Check point Type Description Example of use
Standard Checkpoint checks values of objects properties Check that a radio button is selected.
Image Checkpoint checks property value of an image Checks that image source file is correct.
Table Checkpoint Checks information in table Checks that the value in a table cell is correct.
Page Checkpoint Checks the characteristic of a web page. Checks how long a web page takes to load.
Text /Text area Checkpoints Checks that the pages string is displayed in the appropriate place. Checks whether the expected text script is displayed in the expected location on a web page.
Bitmap Checkpoint Checks an area of a web page. Checks that a web page for any portion is displayed as expected.
Database Checkpoint Checks the content of database Checks that the value in a database query is correct.
Accessibility Checkpoints identifies areas of website to check Check if the images on a web page include ALT properties.
XML Checkpoints Checks the data content of XML document XML checkpoints are used to check specified XML file.

Checking objects:

In this section you will add a standard checkpoint in the book a flight page. This checkpoint will verify the value in the box containing the first name of the passenger.

  1. Start Quick Test and open the recording test.
    • If the welcome window opens, click OPEN EXISTING.
    • If the Quick test opens displaying the welcome window, choose FILE> OPEN.
  2. Save the test as checkpoint.
    Select FILE> SAVE AS. Save the test as checkpoint.
  3. Confirm that active screen option is enabled. If you do not see the active screen on the right side of the Quick Test window, click the active screen toolbar button or choose view> active screen.
  4. Locate the page where you want to add a standard checkpoint.
  5. Create a standard checkpoint. In the active screen, right click the first name and choose Insert Standard Checkpoint. The object selection- checkpoint properties dialog box opens.

  6. The checkpoint dialog box opens.
    The dialog box displays the object’s properties.
    • The logical name is the name of the object.
    • The class is the type of object.
    • The ABC icon in the type column indicates that the value of the property is a constant.
      Accept the default settings and click OK. Quick Test adds a standard checkpoint step to your test.
  7. Save the test
    Choose FILE> SAVE or click the SAVE button.

Checking Pages:

In this section, you will add a page checkpoint to your test. The page checkpoint checks that the number of links and images in the page when you run the test is the same as when you recorded your test.

  1. Locate the page where you want to add a page checkpoint.
  2. Create a page checkpoint.
    Right click anywhere in the active screen and choose INSERT STANDARD CHECKPOINT. The object selection- checkpoint properties dialog box opens. This dialog may include different elements, depending on where you click on the active screen.
    When you run the Quick test, It checks the number of links and images in this page and the load time, as described in the pane at the top of the dialog box.
    Quick test also checks the actual target URL of each link and the actual source of each image. Accept the default settings and click OK. Quick test adds the page checkpoint to your test.
  3. Save the test
    Choose FILE> SAVE or click SAVE button.

Checking Tables:

In this section you will add a table checkpoint to check the cost as the outbound flight page.

  1. Locate the page where you want to add a table checkpoint.
  2. Create a table checkpoint.
    In the active screen, right click the price displayed for the first flight and choose INSERT STANDARD CHECKPOINT. The object selection- checkpoint properties dialog box opens. Select web table- New York to San Francisco. The table checkpoint properties dialog box opens, showing the rows and columns of the table.
  3. Save the test
    Choose FILE> SAVE or click SAVE button.

Running and analyzing a test with checkpoints:

  1. Expand the test tree and review your test.
    Choose VIEW> EXPAND ALL. The test tree will be displayed.
  2. Start running your test.
    Click Run or choose TEST>RUN. The run dialog box opens. Select new run results folder. Accept the default results folder name. Click OK. When the test run is completed, the test results window opens.
  3. View the test results
    When Quick Test Professional finishes running the test, the test results window opens. The test result should be passed, indicating that all checkpoints are passed. If one or more checkpoints had failed, the test result would be failed.
  4. View the result of the page checkpoint.
    In this test tree, expand (+) checkpoint iteration row 1 (Row 1)> action summary> welcome> mercury> book a flight. In this you can review the details of the page checkpoints, which list the items checked.
  5. View the results of table checkpoints.
    In this test tree, Book a flight: page, expand (+) New York to. In this, you can review the values of the table cells.
  6. View the results of standard checkpoints.
    In this test tree, Book a flight: page, expand (+) pass first0. In this, you can review the details of the standard checkpoints, which list the properties that were checked.
  7. View the results of the text checkpoint.
    In this test tree, expand (+) checkpoint iteration 1 (row 1)>action summary> welcome: mercury>flight conformation. In this, you can review the details of text checkpoints.
  8. Close the test results.
    Choose FILE>EXIT.

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