Creating Virtual users using load runner

Load Runner

Creating Virtual users using load runner

Load runner controller is used to create the virtual users who replace the human users to test the performance of the application. By default, it creates virtual users who will access the application simultaneously and test the load on the application. It is also possible to increase number of virtual users. Let us now create virtual users for the web based application for which we have already generated the test script using the load runner virtual user generator.

To create the virtual users and test the performance of the wether India application, follow the steps given below.

  1. Start the load runner controller.
  2. On starting the controller, it displays a dialog box. Select the “manual scenario” option and the required test script from the “available scripts” and click OK button.
  3. From the “load runner scenario” dialog, click the “generator” button or select the “load generators” from the scenario menu. Load generator dialog is opened.
    Click the add button to add a generator, or double click the status column of the default, which displays the load generator information.
    Host name refers to the identity of the system. Enter the name of the system in this field. Select the platform and click OK button.
  4. In the load generator dialog, click the connect button to change the status of the load generator from “Down” to “Ready” and click disconnect button to change the status of load generator from “Ready” to “Down”.
  5. Click close button to close the load generator dialog.
  6. In the load runner controller- scenario1 dialog, click the add group to create the group for the virtual users. It then displays the add dialog box. Enter the group name as g1, select the host name from the “load generator name” and select the test script from the “select script” list box that has to be tested. Enter the number of virtual users to be created in the vusers quantity and click the OK button.
  7. The group g1 will be displayed along with its host name and number of virtual users in the load generator controller scenario 1.
  8. Click the vusers button to view the virtual users. Initially all the users are in the down state. Select all the users and right click to select the initialize vusers options. All the vusers will change their state from “down”- “initializing”- “ready” mode. Now to run the vusers, again select all the vusers, right click and select run vusers or click the run button. The status of the vusers will change from ready to running done. Passed or done. Failed.
  9. Once all the vusers complete the execution of the script, it displays which user has passed the test and which has not.
    If only 5 vusers are allowed to test the wether India application simultaneously, then all the vusers successfully complete the test. This means that the server that is processing the requests is not able to take the load of all the 10 users at a time.
  10. Click the close button to close the vusers window.
  11. Analyze the test results.
    Load runner internally opens the load runner analysis. It displays load runner analysis dialog. It automatically displays the list of reports that can be analyzed. You can obtain the following reports.
    • Running Vusers.
    • Hits per second.
    • Throughput.
    • Transaction summary.
    • Average transaction response time.
  12. Analyze the results by studying graphs. The transaction summary report specifies the number of vusers that passed and failed the various section of the script i.e. action, vuser_init, vuser_end in the form of bar graph. Running vusers report, describes the elapsed time for each user in mm:ss format.

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