Synchronizing the test


Synchronizing the test

In this, you will insert a synchronization pointing the test script created.

  1. Make sure that the test script window is active
  2. Place the cursor where you want to synchronize the test. Add a blank line below the insert order statement. Place the cursor at the beginning of the blank line.
  3. Synchronize the test so that it waits for the “Insert done” message to appear in the status bar. Choose CREATE>SYNCHRONIZATION POINT>FOR OBJECT/ WINDOW BITMAP.
  4. Manually change the one second wait in the test script to a 10 second wait.
  5. Save the test
    Choose FILE>SAVE or click SAVE button.

Changing the synchronization setting

The default intervals that win runner wait for an application to respond to input is 10 seconds. We can add a synchronization point to solve it.

  1. Open general option dialog box.
  2. Click the Run tab.
  3. Change the value to 1000 milliseconds
    Click OK to close the dialog box.

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