Icet2009 counselling notification

All the icet qualified students eagerly waitng for the icet notification even in dreams what college will come for my rank, where i will get seat! today is one of the auspicious days for us because Icet2009 counselling notificatoin details were given by Icet board..,
The board chairman K.C.Reddy said that after receiving list from AICTE the notification will be given by the board.

Icet2009 counselling starts from 15 july09
and EAMCET counselling starts from 25july09

there are 50 Helpline centres were arranged for more details

this year counselling is web based counselling
EAMCET, PHARMA and ICET counsellings are beb based and students don't need to worry about this this is arranged for the students convinence only. from home only we can enroll and no need to go for anywhere
so Don't worry.., Happy counselling.

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HUTCH said...

hi, thanks

The latest info about icet, icetcounselling details and very good stuff on UML,Behavioral Modeling Diagrams and SOFTWARE TESTING,various testing methods.

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